Lubrication Engineers

Asset Reliability Solutions™

Endure™ Turbine Oil (6481)

Product Description

Advanced Formula Provides Superior Oxidation Stability & Deposit Control For Gas Combustion Turbines

Formulated specifically for use in gas combustion turbines, Endure™ Turbine Oil (6481-6482) features a unique blend of highly refined base oils and proprietary additive technology. Its advanced formula provides superior oxidative and thermal stability while preventing varnish and sludge formation on critical surfaces. Endure Turbine Oil ensures long-lasting, trouble-free performance in gas combustion turbines, minimizing unplanned outages and maximizing uptime.

Oil problems are estimated to be the cause of nearly one-fifth of all forced turbine outages, according to “A Comprehensive Guide to Industrial Turbine Lubricants,” by Afton Chemical Corp. Chief among the various mechanisms inside a turbine system that can result in degradation of the oil while in service are oxidation and thermal degradation.

  • Oxidation is the reaction of oxygen with a substance. When lubricants are exposed to oxygen, reactions occur that create new substances. For every 10°C (18°F) elevation in temperature, the rate of lubricant oxidation doubles, meaning at higher temperatures reactions speed up.
  • Thermal degradation occurs during micro-dieseling, cavitation and static discharge events, which produce very high, localized temperatures that thermally degrade the oil molecules in a lubricant.

Oxidation and thermal degradation can lead to base fluid breakdown, additive depletion, increased viscosity, varnish and sludge formation, increased acid number, increased foaming, loss of water separation properties, filter plugging, valve sticking, and rust and corrosion. Bottom line – the lubricant’s life span is shortened and equipment reliability is compromised. LE developed Endure Turbine Oil to address these problems.

Beneficial Qualities

Extends Equipment Life

  • Exhibits superior oxidative and thermal stability for long-term performance
  • Inhibits varnish, sludge and deposit formation
  • Exhibits superior air release properties and suppresses foam
  • Provides outstanding rust, corrosion and anti-wear protection
  • Separates readily from water
  • Is filterable for long-term oil cleanliness

Endure™ Withstands Oxidation

As turbine oil begins to oxidize, byproducts form and start consuming the oil’s antioxidant additives. As oxidation progresses, more and more of these byproducts form and begin to coalesce into larger insoluble bodies. With time, these insoluble bodies plate out as varnish in cooler areas of the turbine system, such as sumps, heat exchangers and hydraulic controls. The varnish can lead to serious situations such as trips or failure to start.

To ensure that its turbine oil would withstand oxidation and avoid these problems for its customers, Lubrication Engineers developed a turbine oil varnish test – TOVT. The purpose of this test is to study the oxidative behavior of new turbine oils in an accelerated oxidative environment, with each week of testing equivalent to approximately one year of real world use in a large frame combustion turbine, although there are many factors in actual use that could affect oil longevity.

TOVT was designed so that samples could be analyzed throughout the test to evaluate the fluid’s condition.

TOVT Conditions

  • A 350-ml sample of new turbine oil is placed in a glass test cell containing a steel/copper wire catalyst conforming to ASTM D5846 specification.
  • The test cell – containing oil and catalyst – is placed in a 120°C solid block temperature bath and allowed to equilibrate to 120°C for 20 minutes.
  • After equilibration, dry atmospheric air is bubbled through the oil at a rate of 3L/hour throughout the duration of the test.
  • The sample is subjected to these aging parameters for up to 18 weeks (3,024 hours ± 20 min).
  • After the required aging time has expired, the oil sample is immediately decanted from the test cell and allowed to sit undisturbed for three days prior to analysis.

Endure Survives Weeks of Simulated Oxidation Stress

Endure™ Lasts 3x Longer

LE’s Turbine Oil Outlasts Competitors in Oxidation Testing

Endure™ Controls Degradation Byproducts

Most turbine oils have been designed around oxidative stability and longevity; thus, have not been optimized to resist deposit formation. Because of this, formulators have moved toward highly refined base oils, which are oxidatively more stable but have lower solvency power. This results in higher potential for insoluble varnish and sludge formation. LE designed Endure Turbine Oil to control the formation of degradation deposits. One of the ways this was accomplished was using a base oil blend that has the solvency power to ensure solubility of any degradation products that form, without sacrificing oxidative stability.

Patch Test Reveals Solvency Power of Turbine Oils

The Membrane Patch Colorimetry (MPC) test measures the amount of insoluble degradation deposits of in-service turbine oils.

After 18 weeks under these same TOVT conditions, Endure’s ΔE values remained normal, indicating the oil contained little to no insoluble deposits.

MPC Conditions

  • Insoluble deposits are extracted from in-service oil using nitro-cellulose membrane filter (0.45-micron pore size).
  • Patch color is analyzed using spectrophotometer, and results are reported as ΔE value.
  • MPC ΔE value is used to show insoluble deposits present in turbine oil, and potential for varnish forming on critical surfaces.

Suggested critically ranges for MPC ΔE values are:

  • 0-15 – Normal
  • 15-30 – Continue to monitor
  • 30-40 – Abnormal; varnish might be present
  • >40 – Critical; varnish is most likely forming on critical surfaces

The MPC ΔE values of Endure and competitive turbine oils were measured after being subjected to the TOVT conditions for one to 18 weeks. All three competitor oils exhibited MPC ΔE values greater than 40 after six weeks, indicating they contained critical levels of insoluble deposits.

After 18 weeks under these same TOVT conditions, Endure’s ΔE values remained normal, indicating the oil contained little to no insoluble deposits.

Endure™ Protects against Varnish

As increasing levels of oxidative and thermal degradation byproducts, as well as degraded additives, form in the turbine oil, they begin to coalesce into larger molecules, which are insoluble in turbine oil. These insoluble degradation products start to plate out as varnish in the turbine system. The photographs below show the TOVT glass vessels of Endure Turbine Oil vs. three major brand competitive turbine oils. The Endure results indicate zero varnish on the TOVT vessels after 18 weeks of stress testing, whereas all three competitors show significant levels of varnish after just six weeks of stressing.

Endure™ Controls Degradation Byproducts

Highly Effective vs. Varnish, Rust, Corrosion, Contamination

Insoluble degradation byproducts tend to be polar molecules; therefore, they are attracted to metal surfaces, eventually forming varnish on turbine system surfaces. The biggest problem with turbine oils producing varnish is when the varnish affects valve performance in critical control systems. Varnish buildup on control system valves can cause valves to operate sluggishly or stick completely, resulting in costly skipping, failure to start and shutdowns.

Endure™ Protects Gas Turbines

Keys to Turbine Oil Performance

Oxidation Stability

As the turbine oil is subjected to the stressful operating environment of a turbine system, the oxidative resistance of the fluid diminishes, which in turn increases the potential for varnish and sludge formation. Oxidation stability of the turbine fluid is not determined by the total quantity of antioxidants that are in the turbine fluid (or how large the RPVOT test data is), but rather the depletion rate of the antioxidant in the fluid. See blue bars in graph.

Deposit Resistance

The second key factor in determining how well a turbine oil will perform in use is the ability of the fluid to inhibit deposit formation. As explained previously, varnish deposits and sludge buildup result from base oil oxidation and degradation, additive degradation, and low base oil solvency power. No matter how great the oxidative stability of the turbine fluid, if it cannot effectively manage varnish and sludge formation, turbine issues will begin to occur well before the fluid reaches end-of-life conditions. See red bars in graph.

Technical Data

Performance Requirements Met or Exceeded

  • DIN 51515, Part I & II
  • General Electric
  • JIS K 2213 Type 2
  • Siemens
  • Solar Turbine

Typical Applications

  • Combustion turbines
  • Combined cycle turbines
  • Centrifugal compressors


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Product Info

Product Category
Lubrication Category
Available Container Size
275 Gallon Disposable Tote
330 Gallon Poly w/Cage

Proprietary Additives

LE’s proprietary additives are used exclusively in LE lubricants. Monolec Turbine Oil contains Monolec.

Monolec® wear-reducing additive creates a single molecular lubricating film on metal surfaces, vastly increasing oil film strength without affecting clearances. An invaluable component in LE’s engine oils, industrial oils and many of its other lubricants, Monolec allows opposing surfaces to slide by one another, greatly reducing friction, heat and wear.
