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Your Professional Lubrication Management Team.
Lubrication Technologies, Inc.
When you embrace the concept of lubricants as assets, LE’s fuel conditioners make dollars and sense. Improve engine performance and fuel economy in heavy-duty industrial fleet applications with gasoline or diesel fuel treatments formulated for use in trucks, buses, farm vehicles, construction equipment, marine engines, or even mowers and chainsaws.
2411 & 2421 Full TorqueTM Diesel Fuel Improver
Road-Tested Supplement Contains Cetane Booster
For Increased Power & Year-Round Performance
Field-tested for several months on the ice roads of Alaska, LE’s Full Torque™ Diesel Fuel Improver has proven to be a valuable weapon for long haul diesel engine operators fighting to keep their trucks on the road despite harsh environments.
Field-tested for several months on the ice roads of Alaska, LE’s Full Torque™ Diesel Fuel Improver has proven to be a valuable weapon for long haul diesel engine operators fighting to keep their trucks on the road despite harsh environments. Full Torque is a cetane-boosted, detergent-containing formulation that increases power, improves fuel economy, reduces emissions, and provides smoother performance year-round in diesel engines. It is available in winter (W) and summer (S) versions.
L-X® Heavy Duty Chemical Supplement (2300)
The power releasing fuel and oil supplement that provides reduced fuel consumption, more power, smoother engine performance and less maintenance.
L-X® Heavy Duty Chemical Supplement (2300) is a combination of oils and chemicals carefully formulated for use in automobiles and other gasoline engines.
It increases power through a more efficient combustion of the fuel, which in turn improves fuel economy.
L-X keeps engines clean and reduces frictional wear by combating carbon, varnish and gum deposits that prevent an engine from operating at maximum efficiency.
It also protects engine parts, physically permeating the metal surfaces and adding a sacrificial layer to protect rings, plugs, pistons, valves, carburetors, and fuel injectors from heat, corrosion and acids. This uncanny ability to permeate the microscopic pores found in metal surfaces lends itself to a variety of additional uses.
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